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B2ST’s Hyun Seung sends birthday wishes to Seo In Young

In the MBCevery1 Idol Made show, MC Shin Bong Sun and Jung Ga Eun reveal that actress Seo In Young, who appeared in the SBS reality show Heroes with them, has the same birth day as B2ST’s Hyung Seung, on September 3.

Hyung Seung sends a video message to Seo In Young, saying, “Happy birthday! Since we were born on the same day, I hope we spend our birthdays together perhaps next year.”

The episode of Idol Made where Hyung Seung shyly wishes Seo happy birthday, will air on September 22 at 6:00 p.m.

On B2ST’s Hyung Seung’s 22nd birthday, the group members left birthday wishes on Twitter, and is attracting a lot of attention.


:::: Saengil Chukkae Mr. Jang & Seo In Young ㅆ__ㅆ


Source: Economics Today from Yahoo

By pretzyc2h @ korea.com/